
Sonia Piotelat, 2019


Katolis, On the morning. Rayla and Callum are married and have a little boy named Harun 8 yo. (A mix of Harrow and Runnan) and a little girl named Rownan 6 yo (still the same mix). Rayla who is never really asleep is worried by a kid crying, since Rownan is in the parental bed and Harrun is sleeping at his uncle Ez (who became a zoologist) the crying kid is outside.

She finds a little girl : she has dark hair, her skin is kinda grey, she has a burn mark in her left arm.

Girl: Hello I am Liela. Can I see lord Callum?

Rayla: You are sick! What burned you?

Girl: I wanna see Callum! My grandfather is chasing me! Callum can protect me!

Rayla: How old are you?

Liela: 8 years old

Rayla: Where are your parents?

Liela: My mom abandonated me!

Rayla: And your dad?

Liela: My dad is lord Callum !

Rayla: No it can't be. We are married years, CALLUM! Come there!

Callum: Rayla! What's up?!

Rayla: Is this kid is your daughter?

Callum: You know, it was in my bachelor party I drank and Claudia came to me, I awake with her. The morning after. Tell me little girl how old are you and when are you born?

Liela: I am born in november 6th near the breach, I will be 9 years old.

Callum: Tell me kid what is happenig.

Liela: Since i am born and concived in Xadia and my mom used dark magic whenn she was pregnent I understood all arcanums before my birth plus I do dark magic more easely. I don't control my powers, I think it is why mom abandoned me. My powers started to grow fast. My grandfather started to speak in head, he tells me to join him, that I can be the mistress of the universe if I wanted. Mom couldn't help me control my powers! The last thing she told me was to run faraway from my grandfather!